On Saturday the 17th of February, a gathering of dozens of volunteers is organised at our Brussels headquarters for a lively breakfast to begin our “25 tonnes of hope” campaign the right way. This kick off marks the initial awareness raising stages of our clothes collection campaign and is followed by the distribution of flyers to local households and organisations. As of now, we are collecting 25 tonnes of second hand clothing to be sent to Lebanon where goods will be distributed among thousands of families living in camps. Before the goods can be distributed in Lebanon, there is still much to be done in Belgium, from collection to loading, which we will be doing over the next couple of months.

This is a time for the community to come together! Join us in spreading the word, have a spring clean and join us on our loading, distributing and sorting days. From SB ESPOIR beneficiaries to corporate partners, all members of our community will be present to help out at a different stage of this process. From our experience, the commitment shown by the SB OverSeas family during previous containers has been unparalleled and we have high hopes for this first campaign of 2018.

It takes a little bit of help from everyone to collect 25 tonnes of clothing but the result is up to 20,000 families kept clothed and safe. Be part of the movement by following us on social media and spreading the word. Thank you in advance for the support you will bring to this new adventure we are about to embark upon!
