Asylum seekers are often seen as male. However, on average, almost as many women as men migrate to Belgium. Although each individual’s migration journey is unique, gender is a determining factor in the migration process, both in flight, refugee status, and integration and resettlement into a society. Women are exposed to gender-based violence and persecution because of the simple fact of being women, on the one hand, and their precarious situation, on the other. During their migratory journey, they are often victims of human trafficking, mutilation, violence or physical, psychological and sexual abuse.

Her Choice, Her Future! is dedicated to women. This project aims to facilitate the inclusion and integration of refugee women and girls by providing them with specialized support and adapted psycho-social, economic and professional accompaniment. Our objective is to integrate gender, its dimensions and implications in our actions, analyses and missions. In other words, while distinguishing between the needs of minor and adult women, it is essential that we take into account the specific needs of both and give them tools that will lead and guide them towards autonomy, freedom and independence.


  • Facilitate the inclusion and integration of refugee women and girls by providing them psychosocial, economic and professional accompaniment
  • Empower every women and girls by listening to their needs and encourage them to become creactress of their life.
  • Help women overcome the barriers and boundaries, and find their true calling.
  • Create non-mixed and mixed spaces to find the balance between individual and collective needs and issues.



Our vision is a world where women are empowered, safe and free, where freedom, autonomy and agency set the pace for daily life, and where women are creactress of their own life. 

Confection de pochettes pour protections menstruelles

Semaine de défense et de lutte pour les droits des femmes

Visite au Musée du Train à Bruxelles

Journée du compliment Broderie sur Totebags

Perles & Confection de Bijoux

Expression Non Verbale

Expression Artistique

Atelier Origami
