Donate to Support Families in Need

Join us in providing essential aid and hope to families in Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine this Eid Al Adha. Your generosity can transform lives.

Syrian and Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon

Your generosity can brighten the lives of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon during Eid al-Adha.

Your contribution will help alleviate the suffering of these families by offering them not only food, but also a sense of support and comfort during this difficult time.

Make a gesture of compassion and share your blessing.

Syrian and Palestinian refugee camps in Syria

In this holy season of Eid al-Adha, bring hope and dignity to refugee families in Syria.

Your donation will bring not only food, but also a message of solidarity and support to Syrian and Palestinian refugees who struggle daily to survive.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a significant difference in this time of celebration.

Refugee camp in Gaza

This Eid al-Adha, show your solidarity by supporting the refugees in Gaza.

Every donation, however small, is an act of generosity that will bring joy and hope to those who need it most.

Act now to make a tangible difference to the lives of refugees in Gaza, and spread compassion during this time of celebration.
