Thread of Hope is a campaign in order to raise funds for new sewing machines. For our women in Lebanon a sewing machine equals an opportunity to not only earn a source of income, but to build a community. Read more about our campaign here.
Fatima is the first part in a four part series of stories of the women who come to our empowerment programs.
Fatima, 66 years old, fled to Lebanon from Syria. Every week, she walks a kilometer to our center in Arsal so she can take part in our empowerment program. A program where we teach how to crochet, sew, make accesories and to embroider. She lives in a tent with her husband and her two daughters, and her son lives nearby. Her family has no main breadwinner and therefore no main source of income.
Fatima wants to share her story because she is grateful for the skills she has learned through our empowerment program. She says that after she learned how to sew, she can do many things, such as shortening pants.
However, most importantly, she has found a reason to leave the tent she lives in and the sadness she feels, and enjoy the company of other women and our teachers at the center.