Married young, but continuing her academic career
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our #StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Improving her confidence while learning
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Lawyer dreams at age 14
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Stepping into a more positive environment
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Earning a sewing machine that made her independent
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
“I feel happy every time I attend the classes”
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Soutien Belge Overseas | Belgische Steun Overseas
SB Overseas is een geregistreerde non-profitorganisatie. Alle donaties zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar in overeenstemming met de toepasselijke wetgeving.
Vooruitgangstraat | 1030, Schaerbeek Brussel - België
+32 2 377 8908
Snelle Toegang
Voor Donaties
REKENINGNUMMER BE42 7320 3907 1954
Naam SB Overzeese VZW
Avenue de la Belle Province, 92
1420 Eigenbrakel