Un apprentissage de leurs forces physique et mentale
Quand j’ai commencé à enseigner la self-défense avec SB, je n’avais pas anticipé l’ampleur de l’impact que cela aurait...
Faire face aux réalités, en Mini-Europe
Il y a quelques semaines, on est allé a Mini-Europe avec les jeunes du centre Fedasil de WSP. Pour ceux qui ne le...
Confronting realities in Mini-Europe
Blog post by Brussels Volunteer Evelin A few weeks ago, we took some of the youth from the WSP/Uccle centers to...
New professional development workshops in Lebanon
Written by Becca Our Education Coordinator, Karla Bedggood, has introduced two professional development initiatives...
Learning how to use your physical & mental strengh through self-defense courses
Written by Ciara (Beirut volunteer leading the classes) When I started teaching self-defence with SB I didn’t realise...
What happens when 8,000 minds globally think twice about EU development programs?
Ana Londoño Botero, project development and communications officer for SB OverSeas, shares her experience at the...
Soutien Belge Overseas | Belgische Steun Overseas
SB Overseas is een geregistreerde non-profitorganisatie. Alle donaties zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar in overeenstemming met de toepasselijke wetgeving.
Vooruitgangstraat | 1030, Schaerbeek Brussel - België
+32 2 377 8908
Snelle Toegang
Voor Donaties
REKENINGNUMMER BE42 7320 3907 1954
Naam SB Overzeese VZW
Avenue de la Belle Province, 92
1420 Eigenbrakel