This weekend our incredible team in Arsal began field visits to our community around our education and empowerment centre.
Over the next month and a half, the team will be visiting 700 families, providing them with…

  1. A presentation about the coronavirus (symptoms, sterilization methods, reducing infection, etc.)
  2. Temperature & symptom check of everyone in the tent
  3. Distributing hygiene kits (Clorox & hand sanitizers)
  4. Sterilization of the tent/place of stay

The team includes Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese teachers and trainers who work in the centre trained by our health specialist from our centre in Beirut. Each are equipped with protective gear, including masks, gloves and full-body costumes – as recommended by UNICEF and WHO.

With the support of the Addax and Oryx Foundation, for the next month and a half this team will reach at least 20 families a day.

But there is more work to be done. Our teams in Saida en Beirut need your support in order to protect the families in those communities as well. Please consider donating what you can to our fundraising campaign.

With this support, we hope to help control the spread of the virus, and do our part to #FlattenTheCurve.

If you wish to help us, donate now.
