door HQ Team Communication officer | mei 28, 2019 | België, Emergency Aid, eMPOWERMENT, niet gecategoriseerd
With the theme “Son Choix, Son Avenir,” the night was doused in shades of pink and purple, and highlighted the work we do with women and girls. On Saturday evening, 280 members of SB OverSeas’ community in Belgium attended a traditional iftar dinner, to break the...
door HQ Team Communication officer | mei 28, 2019 | België, onderwijs, vrijwilligers blog
I am of Syrian origin, and I have been able to see the hardships my people have experienced leaving their daily lives and arriving in an unknown place. I was emotionally moved when I saw images of all the children and parents in the camps, others walking thousands of...
door HQ Team Communication officer | mei 28, 2019 | België, niet gecategoriseerd
We are happy to announce our stand at the Global Village during the European Development Days #edd19 Join us at stand no.76 “Bridging the gap for the lost generation,” – Addressing the inequalities through education and empowerment. BRUSSELS –...
door HQ Team Communication officer | mei 16, 2019 | België, onderwijs, vrijwilligers blog
In the rush of everyday life, we often forget to celebrate the little (or big) things that people do. Crises, refugees, terrorism are always the three words kept in mind when we look at the actual situation of the world. This one side of the story is always emphasized...
door HQ Team Communication officer | mei 3, 2019 | België, Emergency Aid, Featured for Homepage, Libanon
Everyone loves a good challenge, especially an international one that transcends boundaries and connects people via the internet. The viral online #trashtag challenge has done just that. In the last few months eager volunteers, conscious of their impact on climate...
door HQ Team Communication officer | apr 30, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, België, Libanon
Everyone loves a good challenge, especially an international one that transcends boundaries and connects people via the internet. The viral online #trashtag challenge has done just that. In the last few months eager volunteers, conscious of their impact on climate...