door admin | dec 5, 2021 | belangenbehartiging
SB Overseas, in terms of its policy as a non-governmental organization working in the humanitarian field with refugees and vulnerable groups, flatly rejects early marriage. SB applies this policy by: Participating in conferences to protect youths from early...
door admin | mei 30, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, België, Featured for Homepage
Over the past two weeks, I have had the privilege to present my short documentary, “Giving Hope”, about SB’s excellent work in Lebanon, to audiences in London and Brussels. The film showed SB’s success through the eyes of some of the students it has helped. Having...
door admin | apr 30, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, eMPOWERMENT, Featured for Homepage, Libanon, Our campaigns
Through our recent Thread of Hope campaign, we were able to fundraise enough money to purchase new sewing machines for our empowerment centers and replace the old machines. As the previous machines were not broken but merely not suitable anymore for training the...
door admin | apr 30, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, België, Libanon
Everyone loves a good challenge, especially an international one that transcends boundaries and connects people via the internet. The viral online #trashtag challenge has done just that. In the last few months eager volunteers, conscious of their impact on climate...
door admin | apr 30, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, onderwijs, eMPOWERMENT, Give Hope, Our campaigns
From the 5th to the 26th of April we had our annual Give Hope campaign, It is the time to show our community and supporters the ways in which we have been working towards a better future for refugees both in Belgium and Lebanon, and the way in which everyone can get...
door admin | mrt 28, 2019 | belangenbehartiging, Child Marriage Comics, Child Marriage Comics, Featured for Homepage, Libanon
My name is Faïza. I’m 13 years old and I’m at the end of my life. Something is eating me from inside and the outside want to kill me.I can’t see nor the sun nor the people I love anymore. Read Faïza’s story through the incredible artwork and storytelling...