Written by Nura Jaafar, Communications Officer for SB OverSeas Lebanon

On Friday the 27th of April, SB OverSeas Lebanon swapped its classrooms for the ‘Colours of Hope’ Arts and Crafts Showcase at T-Marbouta restaurant in Hamra Beirut. In light of the annual #GiveHope Campaign, we decided to present some of the arts and crafts that were created by the women, youth and children that attend our three education and empowerment centres across Lebanon.

We strive to offer continual education and support to those whom have been directly and indirectly affected by the war in Syria. In addition to traditional classroom activities, we provide arts and crafts classes where our students can express their feelings and learn new and valuable and vocational skills that will afford them the opportunity to earn a living later on in life as well as come to terms with some of the experiences they may have endured.

Our work focuses on practical goals and emphasising the potential of every student who comes to visit us. Where there is hope there is possibility of success, and the #Give Hope campaign aims to open up and increase hope amongst all who need and desire it.

The dreams and aspirations of our SB OverSeas students were presented through handmade products such as linen bags, handmade accessories and crochet dolls, as well as through the many beautiful paintings done by our students.
