Spreading positivity through simple small messages

Strung up along the wall in the teachers’ room in the Bukra Ahla centre you’ll find displayed a row of small colourful pouches and attached tags with the name of each teacher, staff and volunteer and English and Arabic. These “Positivity Pouches,” as they have been...

Faire face aux réalités, en Mini-Europe

Il y a quelques semaines, on est allé a Mini-Europe avec les jeunes du centre Fedasil de WSP. Pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas, Mini-Europe est une sorte de musée en plein air, avec des modèles des attractions et monuments les plus connus de l’Europe. Les jeunes...
A shine of hope through bare windowless walls

A shine of hope through bare windowless walls

Last week, the SB Beirut Center was alerted about the terrible living conditions of the family of one of our students, Amira. SB works to holistically support our community members, so we went to check on them to see what aid we could provide. Amira’s family had to...