by admin | Feb 21, 2020 | Awareness, Education, Emergency Aid, Empowerment, Lebanon, Press Releases
Executive summary of seven years of field notes supporting refugees in Beirut, Saida and Arsal Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office in collaboration with the Lebanon Field mission of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit...
by admin | Jan 30, 2020 | Emergency Aid, Lebanon
Please Help Us Provide Emergency Support to Refugee Families in Arsal During this Unusually Cold Winter: In the past few days the temperature in Arsal, located at the Syrian-Lebanese border, has dropped to below zero, with heavy snowfall covering the shelters which...
by admin | Feb 27, 2019 | Communiqués de presse, Emergency Aid, Liban,
Êtes-vous extrêmement occupé mais vous voulez quand même faire don de vos vêtements? Ce n’est pas un problème pour nous! Nous venons d’établir un nouveau moyen de récupérer les vêtements chez vous. La seule chose que vous devez faire est de faire une demande dans le...
by admin | Feb 21, 2019 | CLOTHESUP, Emergency Aid, Lebanon, Projects
Are you extremely busy but still you do want to donate some of your clothes? That’s not a problem for us! We have just established a new way of picking up the clothes from your door. The only thing you have to do is make a request through the CLOTHEUP project and we...
by admin | Jan 28, 2019 | Advocacy, Emergency Aid, Emergency Aid, Lebanon, Our campaigns, Press Releases
BEIRUT, Lebanon– Since our campaign started at the beginning of January, your support has helped families survive the freezing temperatures and snowfall: Against the backdrop of the snowcapped Anti-Lebanon mountains and pillowy white storm clouds in the sky, UNHCR...
by admin | Jan 24, 2019 | Advocacy, Emergency Aid, Lebanon, Press Releases
Urgent appeal: We are counting on you to help the 70.000 Syrian refugees threatened by snowstorms, floods and colds in Lebanon Brussels, Belgium – at the foot of the snow-covered massif of Anti-Lebanon and under a sky full of stormy clouds, the tents of The UNHCR are...