by HQ Team Communication officer | Aug 16, 2019 | Belgium, Press Releases
The last few weeks of summer are coming to a close, but many take advantage of these last days for holidays enjoying their time together and trying new things. That’s exactly what the youth from several different reception centres in Brussels did this past Thursday...
by HQ Team Communication officer | Aug 3, 2019 |
First published in Brussels Express Why do we help other people? Of course, most will say that we help our family and close friends because we love them and want the best for them. But what about helping a stranger? Someone you’ve never met; and I don’t mean once in a...
by HQ Team Communication officer | Aug 2, 2019 |
Pourquoi aidons-nous les autres ? Bien sûr, la plupart des gens répondront qu’on aide notre famille et nos amis proches parce qu’on les aime et qu’on souhaite le meilleur pour eux. Mais quid d’aider celui qui nous est étranger, celui que nous n’avons jamais rencontré...
by HQ Team Communication officer | Aug 2, 2019 | Belgium, Empowerment
First published in Brussels Express Why do we help other people? Of course, most will say that we help our family and close friends because we love them and want the best for them. But what about helping a stranger? Someone you’ve never met; and I don’t mean once in a...
by HQ Team Communication officer | Aug 2, 2019 |
L’été a officiellement commencé, et cela marque la fin d’un nouveau cycle d’activités dans le cadre du projet SB Espoir. Nous profitons donc de cette opportunité pour faire un retour sur cette année, et remercier toutes les personnes qui ont pris part à ces activités,...