Being located at the heart of Europe, SB OverSeas uses this location to raise awareness about the situation caused by refugee humanitarian crises. Our aim is to raise the voices of refugee communities and fil the gap by collaborating with different partners at the international and national levels in order to advocate for and represent the interests of young asylum seekers, both in Belgium and in Lebanon.

SBO is therefore advocating nationally and internationally for the fundamental rights and dignity of refugee’s communities, both in Europe and in the Middle East. In Lebanon, we conduct advocacy campaigns regarding the issue of early marriage since 2013. We have launched several related projects such as a monthly newsletter in 2017, the “child marriage comics series” in 2018 and the “Refugee Journal” in 2019. In Brussels, we are continuously advocating for the rights of asylum seekers in Belgium and their good integration and inclusion since 2013. We publish newsletter, reports, surveys and constantly organize and participate in events, workshops and advocacy campaigns in that regard. Our aim is to create links and building bridges between all stakeholders working in the field of migration in order to join our forces and maximize our impact. We collaborate with advocacy platforms active in the field of migration at the Belgian, European and International levels. SBO is a member of several umbrellas’ platforms such as CNCD, PICUM, The ECRE, IOM Migration, Plate-forme Mineurs en Exile etc. We have further developed a project called “Sharing Hope and Building Bridges with Young Asylum Seekers in Brussels”, where we organize workshop days aimed at creating a link and improving the proximity between advocacy platforms and young asylum seekers themselves. Being one of the only organizations in Brussels working directly with young refugees but also active in the advocacy field is a great advantage for SBO.


    Advocacy on all issues related to refugees, the most important of which are:
    early marriage, refugees migration


    • A community free from early marriage, whose children have the right to self-determination
    • A community that accepts difference and provides a helping hand to the other


    SB Overseas, in terms of its policy as a non-governmental organization working in the humanitarian field with refugees and vulnerable groups, flatly rejects early marriage.


    This is a story of a girl named Sherine, but her name could be Amina, or Amal, or Sara, or any one of hundreds, even thousands of names of girls with almost the same story.
