Need for more legal support & psychological services for the adequate protection of young migrants in Brussels
As the year comes to a close we reflect on our what we’ve learned from our work in the centres for the accommodation...
Giving Hope 4 Ways on Giving Tuesday
Looking for ways to give back during this holiday season?! On #GivingTuesday, consider helping us #GiveHope to...
REPORT: Young Refugees living in reception & accommodation centres in Brussels
A critical examination of the psychosocial, legal and living conditions for young people seeking international...
Une lueur d’espoir à travers des murs nus sans fenêtres
La semaine dernière, notre équipe à Beyrouth a été averti des conditions terribles de vies d’une de nos élèves, Amira....
Presenting “Giving Hope” short film in Brussels and London
Over the past two weeks, I have had the privilege to present my short documentary, “Giving Hope”, about SB’s excellent...
A shine of hope through bare windowless walls
Last week, the SB Beirut Center was alerted about the terrible living conditions of the family of one of our students,...
Giving her children the right tools to be empowered
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Having time away from my responsibilities and worries
Leading up to our 7th Annual Iftar Dinner on May 25th, we will be sharing our ##StoriesofHope written by the refugees...
Celebrating education, empowerment and the people that support SB OverSeas’ work
From the 5th to the 26th of April we had our annual Give Hope campaign, It is the time to show our community and...
Bienvenue à Shatila
Un soir de février, dans l’ombre de nuages noirs arrivant des montagnes vers Beyrouth, je suis montée dans un taxi à...
How to help out!
A question we get often at SB OverSeas from good-hearted supporters is how they can help. It's no secret that we have...
Brighten their future through Holiday Cards
The King of Belgium invites the most active volunteers in Belgium
SB Overseas has been recognized as the charity of the year by MEP Linda McAven.
Meeting with the vice president of European Commission DR. Frans Timmermans.
SB Overzee wordt gesteund door Zijne Eer Koning Phillippe van België.
The tote bags are sewn as part of the Empowerment Programme for Syrian refugee women in our centres in Lebanon. The...

Soutien Belge Overseas | Belgische Steun Overseas
SB Overseas is een geregistreerde non-profitorganisatie. Alle donaties zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar in overeenstemming met de toepasselijke wetgeving.
Vooruitgangstraat | 1030, Schaerbeek Brussel - België
+32 2 377 8908
Snelle Toegang
Voor Donaties
REKENINGNUMMER BE42 7320 3907 1954
Naam SB Overzeese VZW
Avenue de la Belle Province, 92
1420 Eigenbrakel