Apply for Internship Apply For Internship Naam Naam * Date of Birth * Email * Nationality * Country of Residence * Telefoonnummer * How did you hear about this programme? * Facebook, other social media, job listing website, word of mouth, other. Internship position * Communications and Marketing Project Development Empowerment Development Child Protection Education and Teaching Please select the internship role you wish you apply to Placement Period * May 2020 September 2020 Please select your preferred placement period Duration of placement period * 4 months 8 months Please select duration of internship period Please indicate if you are applying to fulfil your internship requirements * Yes No onderwijs * Please list all completed levels of education and current studies Experience * Please outline any previous experience relevant to this programme and the position in which you wish to apply to, which might include the following kinds of experiences: volunteering, teaching, working with children in some other capacity (e.g. scout/summer camps, aupairing), working with women (e.g. in other women’s empowerment projects). Please feel free to outline any extra skills you have that you may think could prove useful for the role. Maximum 300 words Curriculum Vitae (PDF only) * Letter of Motivation (PDF only) * Please indicate why you are interested in this form of volunteering and what it is that has motivated you to apply to work with us.