par administrateur | Mar 12, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Belgique, Autonomisation
Written by SB Espoir Activity Assistant Micaela Lafratta An astronaut, a lawyer or a cowboy. Those were my three career options when I was 7. Since then, I changed my mind several times about what I wanted to do when I grew up. What I am passionate about? What I am...
par administrateur | Fév 21, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Aide d'urgence, Autonomisation, Liban, Communiqués de presse
Executive summary of seven years of field notes supporting refugees in Beirut, Saida and Arsal Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office in collaboration with the Lebanon Field mission of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit...
par administrateur | Fév 11, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Autonomisation, Autonomisation, Communiqués de presse
Open House Event on Wednesday, February 12th, 6-10pm Pool D’Etat at Hamra Urban Gardens in Beirut Free entry SB Overseas is hosting an open house evening at Pool D’Etat to raise funds and awareness for the youth, women, and children we serve. Come browse and buy...
par administrateur | Déc 18, 2019 | Sensibilisation, Belgique
In the late summer of 2015, refugees started to come to Belgium where they arrived to Park Maximilian, a large public park became the infamous temporary home for thousands of people. Situated opposite the Belgian immigration office, within weeks after the first...
par administrateur | Déc 3, 2019 | Sensibilisation, Belgique, Liban
Vous cherchez des façons de redonner pendant cette période des fêtes ?! Le #GivingTuesday, pensez à nous aider à #GiveHope aux réfugiés au Liban et en Belgique. Vous ne savez pas quelle est la meilleure façon d'aider ? Essayez l'une de ces excellentes options : 1. Faites un don C'est le moment le plus merveilleux de la...
par administrateur | Déc 1, 2019 | Sensibilisation, Belgique
A critical examination of the psychosocial, legal and living conditions for young people seeking international protection Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit humanitarian organisation...