by admin | Nov 20, 2021 | SB Espoir
Tell us about yourself? Hi! I am from Lyon, France and I am studying Human Rights Law with International Migration at BSIS (University of Kent) in Brussels. How did you get involved with SB OverSeas? I wanted to give some of my time to asylum...
by admin | Nov 20, 2021 | SB Espoir
As the New Year approaches, I would like to take this chance to share a personal message to all of you: Last week we had our 50th SB Espoir activity for the year of 2018! For this special occasion and our last activity of the year with the newly partnered...
by admin | Nov 20, 2021 | SB Espoir
I am of Syrian origin, and I have been able to see the hardships my people have experienced leaving their daily lives and arriving in an unknown place. I was emotionally moved when I saw images of all the children and parents in the camps, others walking thousands of... by admin | Mar 2, 2020 | Belgium, SB Espoir
“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think” – Steve Jobs As in martial arts, focus and discipline are also two of the main elements when it comes to the activity of coding. On our everyday basis, we use a variety of programs... by admin | May 3, 2019 | SB Espoir,
Tout le monde aime un bon défi, en particulier un défi international qui va au délà des frontières et relie les gens via l’Internet. Le défi viral en ligne #trashtag a fait exactement cela. Au cours des derniers mois, il y a eu des bénévolats enthousiastes,...
by admin | Feb 27, 2019 | Advocacy, Education, Press Releases, SB Espoir
By Maria Rosales, volunteer coordinator for SB OverSeas. One of my favourite parts of being a Volunteer Coordinator is to meet others who are passionate about social change. Working with SB Overseas, I...