par administrateur | Fév 21, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Aide d'urgence, Autonomisation, Liban, Communiqués de presse
Executive summary of seven years of field notes supporting refugees in Beirut, Saida and Arsal Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office in collaboration with the Lebanon Field mission of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit...
par administrateur | Fév 11, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Autonomisation, Autonomisation, Communiqués de presse
Open House Event on Wednesday, February 12th, 6-10pm Pool D’Etat at Hamra Urban Gardens in Beirut Free entry SB Overseas is hosting an open house evening at Pool D’Etat to raise funds and awareness for the youth, women, and children we serve. Come browse and buy...
par administrateur | Oct 24, 2019 | VÊTEMENTS, Communiqués de presse
SB Overseas needs your help to reach our goal of collecting 25 tons of donations for Syrian refugees living in camps at the Turkish border Helping people in needAre you ready to clean out your closet? —You must have a lot of clothes that you don’t wear anymore, and...
par administrateur | Oct 14, 2019 | Communiqués de presse
I while ago I read Greg Mortenson’s famous book, Three cups of tea and a phrase stuck in my mind. He states that if you really want a make a real long-lasting change in a society, you need to start with the girls. To improve basic hygiene and sanitations...
par administrateur | Oct 5, 2019 | Belgique, Communiqués de presse
October marks the beginning of the SB OverSeas’ “SB Espoir” project’s winter cycle of activities with unaccompanied minors and women who are seeking asylum in Belgium. For this cycle, we recruited a new enthusiastic group of volunteers that will be joining us...
par administrateur | Sep 27, 2019 | Belgique, Communiqués de presse
SB OverSeas supports the inclusion of young asylum-seeking people through the Sb Espoir project, but the protection of unaccompanied minors, recognized by the Belgian legislation—is under question. Age assessments is a procedure applied to many cases by the Belgian...