par administrateur | Fév 21, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Aide d'urgence, Autonomisation, Liban, Communiqués de presse
Executive summary of seven years of field notes supporting refugees in Beirut, Saida and Arsal Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office in collaboration with the Lebanon Field mission of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit...
par administrateur | Jan 30, 2020 | Aide d'urgence, Liban
Please Help Us Provide Emergency Support to Refugee Families in Arsal During this Unusually Cold Winter: In the past few days the temperature in Arsal, located at the Syrian-Lebanese border, has dropped to below zero, with heavy snowfall covering the shelters which...
par administrateur | Déc 3, 2019 | Sensibilisation, Belgique, Liban
Vous cherchez des façons de redonner pendant cette période des fêtes ?! Le #GivingTuesday, pensez à nous aider à #GiveHope aux réfugiés au Liban et en Belgique. Vous ne savez pas quelle est la meilleure façon d'aider ? Essayez l'une de ces excellentes options : 1. Faites un don C'est le moment le plus merveilleux de la...
par administrateur | Sep 2, 2019 | Éducation :, Liban, Communiqués de presse
For many, volunteering is an activity that habitually takes place throughout the years. For some individuals, volunteering begins at a young age with bake sales, helping at local churches or leading sports activities in community centres. For others, volunteering...
par administrateur | Août 29, 2019 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Liban, Blogue des bénévoles
by Alex Hart, Beirut volunteer The Bukra Ahla center where we live and work is situated in between the Shatila camp and the most intensive military checkpoint that I have seen in Lebanon. If you head into Shatila, you see an area that looks a lot like projects in the...
par administrateur | Juil 31, 2019 | Autonomisation, Liban
The shelter in Saida in which our center is located houses around 1500 people. This places us in a unique position to help an entire community. While we mainly offer academic support and skills development to children, female youth and women, there was a number of...