par administrateur | Fév 21, 2020 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Aide d'urgence, Autonomisation, Liban, Communiqués de presse
Executive summary of seven years of field notes supporting refugees in Beirut, Saida and Arsal Written and published by the Brussels headquarters office in collaboration with the Lebanon Field mission of Soutien Belge OverSeas, a registered Belgian non-profit...
par administrateur | 27 février 2019 | Plaidoyer, Éducation :, Communiqués de presse, SB Espoir
By Maria Rosales, volunteer coordinator for SB OverSeas. One of my favourite parts of being a Volunteer Coordinator is to meet others who are passionate about social change. Working with SB Overseas, I...
par administrateur | 27 février 2019 | Éducation :, Autonomisation, Liban, Nos campagnes, Communiqués de presse, Non classé
À l'approche de la Saint-Valentin, en ce mois de février, nous avons réfléchi à ce que l'amour signifie pour nos communautés et notre travail. Pour contribuer à diffuser davantage d'amour, notre campagne Week of Love a mis en avant les sacs fourre-tout fabriqués par les femmes de notre programme d'autonomisation et personnalisés par...
par administrateur | Fév 13, 2019 | Éducation :, Liban, Communiqués de presse, Blogue des bénévoles
Every two months international volunteers come from all over the world to teach at SB’s non-formal education centres in Beirut or Saida, as they join our Lebanon Volunteering Programme. Recently, some of our wonderful volunteers told us what they have enjoyed the...
par administrateur | Fév 9, 2018 | Éducation :, Liban, Communiqués de presse, Projets
As Saida Center observes its first anniversary, SB OverSeas announces its success and reports that it will renew and expand programs in Saida in 2018. Saida Center, SB’s newest and largest project in Lebanon, opened one year ago at Ouzai shelter, an unfinished and...
par administrateur | Déc 18, 2017 | Éducation :, Nos campagnes, Communiqués de presse
Our Brighten Their Future campaign has been an enlightening experience for the SB OverSeas community. Our aim was to strengthen the link between our benefactors, most of which live in the West, and our beneficiaries on the ground. We did this by creating a 6 week...