par administrateur | 4 décembre 2018 | Plaidoyer, Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Liban, Communiqués de presse
SB OverSeas publie ce rapport qui donne un aperçu de la situation de l'éducation des réfugiés syriens au Liban et des défis auxquels notre équipe a été confrontée. Lisez le rapport complet ici : Éducation pour les réfugiés syriens au Liban Voici un bref extrait :...
par administrateur | Nov 30, 2018 | Plaidoyer, Sensibilisation, Belgique, Aide d'urgence, Autonomisation, Communiqués de presse
This week, SB OverSeas’ Maria Rosales stepped out of her role as volunteer coordinator for Brussels and Lebanon and into the role of interviewer. She spoke to S&D MEP Linda McAvan from the UK about advocating for women’s rights and the relationship of EU...
par administrateur | Nov 30, 2018 | Plaidoyer, Sensibilisation, Communiqués de presse
Report by Marco Cagnolati, project coordinator at SB OverSeas from the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) Annual General Conference (AGC) in Belgrade November 6-9, 2018. Among over 200 participants at the conference in Belgrade, our SB Espoir coordinator,...
par administrateur | Sep 27, 2018 | Sensibilisation, Belgique, Communiqués de presse
When I joined SB Overseas as the new SB Espoir Project Coordinator last month, I was excited about this new adventure in my life. Before moving to Brussels, I was living in Johannesburg, South Africa doing my fieldwork research project on the development of informal...
par administrateur | Sep 14, 2018 | Sensibilisation, Éducation :, Événements, Liban, Communiqués de presse
12 September 2018 Issam Fares Institute at the American University of Beirut Written by Caroline Bullen, Communications and Development Officer in Beirut The Syrian conflict has not only caused significant loss of life and livelihoods but created a generation in...
par administrateur | Juil 26, 2018 | Sensibilisation, Communiqués de presse
Originally translated from Arabic. “I know that you are tired and that the darkness around your eyes is just a dove floating everyday around a holy shrine.” Oh my beloved mother, they asked me to write and when I started writing you were the first one who came to my...