The year 2020 forced the whole world to step into hard circumstances and put companies and communities under pressure, starting with financial breakdown and ending with complicated psychological problems, especially on displaced people and refugees. As a response to that, SB Overseas worked hard to keep its communities of beneficiaries in safe conditions, by offering them multiple aids on different levels, such as food parcels, furniture, sanitizing and hygiene kits, medications, etc.
Our distributions ranged in the year 2020 between many different types of supplements starting with food parcels that contained raw meat, kids’ milk cans, bread bags, and many more basic needed supplements such as rice, lentils, tomato sauce, sugar, salt, flour, and sunflower oil…
Adding to that, Soutien Belge overseas distributions exceeded the food distributions by supporting families with various types of distributions such as furniture that included beds, tables, cabinets, sofas and chairs, and more of house appliances.
Also, students which are the main aim for Soutien Belge Overseas, have benefited in different areas in Lebanon, the stationary included notebooks, pens, pencils, schoolbooks, and A4 paper boxes.
families also in the year 2020 has been kept all covered with medications and sanitized to prevent them from the COVID-19, as these distributions included Nasal Decongestant, pain killers, burns ointments, anti-lice shampoos, and hygiene kits.
We helped to fight the severe weather degree breakdown of cold winter by distributing fuel materials and clothes to families around Lebanon to keep them safe and warm.
The overall SB OverSeas strategy is structured according to three main pillars, as listed below. SBO aims at
- improving the living conditions of refugee communities in Europe and in the Middle East and empowering local communities in developing countries by
- building strategic partnerships at the local, European and international levels undertaking a multi-stakeholder approach while
- conducting advocacy work for the respect of refugee’s communities’ social, economic and cultural rights globally.